
Revealed...The Best Gold Affiliate Programs That Earn You Up To $33,000 Commission Per Sale

I Wish I Knew This Before....

When I first started in affiliate marketing 6 years ago, I had a grand vision that I would just throw up some different niche websites, use paid ads or SEO to drive traffic, and rake in millions of dollars in commissions.

Of course it didn't turn out that way in actuality. Quite the opposite at first....

I developed systems to setup websites and get quality content written, became quite good at SEO and competent with paid Facebook and Instagram ads for driving traffic, but there were 2 major issues with my plan.

First, I underestimated how long it was going to take for me to become good at the traffic part. 

Second, I went into niches and used affiliate platforms that didn't produce enough "juice for the squeeze."

You see, I was promoting products on Amazon Associates. Just like 99 percent of marketers teach. 

The major problem with this platform is the commission percentage. Average commission rates on Amazon across all categories were about 5%. (Amazon even lowered their commission rates later and made it even less incentivizing)

So if I made 5 sales in a day, with products that cost $100 each, I would make $25......

If I made 20 sales per day, with $100 products, I would make $100. And so on.....

The issue is that I needed to drive a MASSIVE AMOUNT of traffic to accomplish either of those, because conversion rates are pretty low on affiliate websites. Maybe 2-5% of total traffic, if you're lucky....

I wish I realized it when I first started, but it took me over 2 years, dozens of failed projects, tearing my hair out, and over 100k poured down the drain to figure it out....

If you're here reading this, you're probably much smarter and/or more advanced than me and realize you need to promote high ticket offers that make hundreds or even thousands PER SALE.

Well, it's not only possible, but I and many other people, are doing exactly that with gold affiliate programs.  

Imagine This For A Second....

Let's say you are a gold affiliate, and you have a website blog that writes about investing in gold.

A 58 year old couple who have worked their whole lives to save up for retirement find your blog and start reading your guide to help them safeguard their savings, which is about $500,000.

Within the article, you refer them to a gold company who can help them rollover their 401k into a gold IRA. That referral link you place on your blog tracks your unique affiliate ID and you get a commission when that couple becomes a client of the gold company.

The company you refer them to pays their affiliates 1% for completed deals, meaning you get a $5,000 commission on the $500,000 transaction!

Now let's say over the course of 3 months, you get two more completed deals for $500,000.

You now have a total of $15,000 in commission for these 3 completed deals. Excellent! Way better than tearing your hair out promoting a product that earns you 5$ per sale.

I know when I started I would have been ecstatic to make that much! And rightfully so. Sounds great right?

Well, it does until you realize that there are gold companies that pay their affiliates 6% for the same deal......

That $15,000 commission you received could have been $90,000! The only difference in these 2 scenarios is that you didn't know the other company existed.

So who is the gold company that pays 6%? We're going to get to that shortly.

But first, let's understand more about the gold market then we'll dive specifically into the companies you can promote.

Only The Most Savvy Gold Dealers Know This...

Because of the value and price of gold, you might assume that gold dealers are swimming in profits. It's far from the truth, however.

Dealers margins are very thin, primarily because they have to spend so much to acquire a new customer. They can't markup their prices too high or else their competitors will have a better value proposition.

So instead, they need to markup their products to stay competitive while getting their customer acquisition costs down.

That's where it gets very tricky.

Advertising is expensive in general, whether it be paid ads on Google where dealers pay $30 - $100 per click for website visitors, or tens of thousands on TV, radio ads, or direct mail.

The competition for gold customers increases these costs dramatically, especially for advertising online. Dealers can spend an arm and a leg on advertising using the cost per click model.

And in the case of paid ads, many website visitors need to interact with a dealer more than once before deciding to become their customer.

So how efficient is the cost per click model when a dealer pays $50 per click and that website visitor leaves their website after looking at a few pages? That's a rhetorical question. It isn't efficient at all.

A small percentage (like 1% total) of all dealers can use this model and remain profitable. However, there are a handful of savvy dealers out there who realized this and knew they needed a better way...

A few companies made a drastic change that eliminated almost all the upfront advertising costs of their business.

They studied the most competitive niches online, like make money online, health and dating, and realized most of these successful companies were driving massive amounts of revenue by using affiliates.

Then they copied them, which bred gold affiliate programs.

And that's where people like you and I come into play.

But When Do I Get Paid?

Like we described in our example above, an affiliate for gold acts like a commissioned agent for that gold dealer. The affiliate's job is to send qualified buyers to the dealer's website.

When a visitor that you referred becomes a new customer, the dealer pays you a commission. In the case of gold, a very handsome commission!

When a customer buys the gold and the dealer deposits it safely into the customer's storage account, that's when the commission is paid out.

The process from prospect to paying customer can take anywhere from 1-6 weeks, so keep in mind to be patient. But considering that most commissions are so high, it's definitely worth the wait.

This is a win-win for the dealer and affiliate.

The dealer doesn't have all the headaches of trying to advertise and generate a prospect list, plus they are essentially eliminating their risk and expense of acquiring a customer upfront!

The dealer knows that affiliates want to earn a commission, so they aren't wasting their time sending unqualified buyers who have no intent on doing anything.

And the affiliate knows that the dealer wants you to keep sending qualified buyers, so they are honest about sales that you generate.

Note: You can use your own tracking links to cross-check the clicks the dealer's affiliate platform records and how many you register. (This is a critical point that many affiliate marketers miss.)

Dealers can focus on their product quality and outsource the marketing to people like us. Let’s face it, marketing is a nuanced skill and can take years to master.

Think about the real estate industry. If you’re looking to sell your home, you hire a real estate agent. That’s because they have the expertise that’s going to be better for selling your house.

How Does A Gold Affiliate Program Work?

Gold dealers can either create affiliate programs on their own or enlist another person or organization for it.

It’s certainly admirable for a gold dealer to try and design their own system. However, they have to realize that running an affiliate program is a lot harder than they might suspect.

Each part of a transaction helps to be tracked to a comprehensive degree. Otherwise, gold affiliates could end up getting stiffed.

Affiliates certainly aren’t stupidIf dealers aren’t making sure they’re receiving fair compensation, they’re going to raise a fuss, and rightfully so.

Imagine being exposed as a dealer who rips off their affiliates?

That won't end well for the long-term success of that company.

That's why most gold dealers work with known affiliate networks like Commission Junction or Shareasale.

They do everything you would need an affiliate program to do. They vet affiliates to make sure they’re right for you, help you create links, follow transactions, and handle commission payments.

You'll find that the best gold companies provide their affiliates with marketing materials and other things that will help the affiliate drive targeted prospects.

After all, it's like joint venture it's mutually beneficial for both parties to succeed.

Never Promote Fixed Offers

Dealer and affiliate success go hand in hand. When a dealer can't close prospects the affiliate sends, the affiliate will just move on to a company that can.

Over the years, as the market has evolved and reached maturation, dealers have needed to adapt their compensation structures for affiliates to feel motivated to promote.

Here are the two commission structures available.

  1. 1
    Fixed Fee Offers - Fixed-fee offers once dominated when it came to affiliate commission plans. Their presence definitely hasn’t gone away completely, with many fixed fees of $10 to $50 per commission still existing. Nonetheless, its influence is diminishing.

    If your dealer is only giving you $25 per transaction, and you know other affiliates are making more than 100 times that, wouldn’t you feel fed up and want to switch promoting to those offers.

    Of course, you would. Affiliates need to invest money too. The smaller their pay, the worse their profit margin is, and the lesser their incentive to stick with a fixed-fee offer.

    The cost of advertising on popular platforms like Facebook and Google is too high for affiliates to bother with $25 paydays.

    They also have to be careful about relying on SEO traffic. There’s so much competition, with the richest companies getting the best Google rankings. It can feel a little bit like a “David and Goliath” situation.
  2. 2
    Percentage Based Offers - This is the only type of offer myself and many other gold affiliates promote because you can make thousands of dollars per deal. As discussed earlier, percentage offers involve a fixed percentage being given to each affiliate's closed deal.

    At first glance, a one percent commission may not seem much better than a $25 fixed fee. However, gold deals average between $40,000 - $100,000, and many closed deals above $100,000.

    There’s really no comparing fixed-fee rates and percentage-based ones. Experienced golf affiliates know how to make a percentage program into a real long-term and reliable business.

    You can turn your blog or website into a full-time business thanks to affiliate marketing. There are hundreds of gold experts making 6-7 figures through these strategies.

Finally. The Program That Offers 6%

We’ve looked over all of the gold affiliate programs around, which is more than 40. However, the number of worthwhile programs is far less than 40. We settled on three that are worth talking about.

Access to some of these programs is limited based on country. Make sure your country is available for a program.

Some companies don’t let you promote competitors. Also, don’t sign an agreement until you’ve thoroughly read and understood it.

Here are the best of the best. 

Overview of Affiliates


2-5% on all sales

  • Best 2nd Option
  • 2-5% commission on all sales
  • Great affiliate support
  • Easy affiliate tracking
  1. 1
    Birch Gold Group - Birch Gold is another precious metals dealer. They have gold, silver, palladium, and platinum all available for purchase.

    You can buy the metals for yourself or open an IRA for them. Birch Gold was founded in 2003, and is a California business. That said, they conduct most of their business on the internet.

    Their primary goal is to protect portfolios against inflation.

    They also have a significant customer focus, which includes educational tools. Clients are given investments they need, not just ones that everyone else is getting.

    There’s a lot of transparency with their customer interactions. Working with Birch Gold allows clients to know they’re in good hands.

    We would recommend promoting Birch Gold because they have an excellent reputation, customer reviews, and customer support. But they also have a decent commission structure.

    2% for deals under $10,000, 3% for deals between $10,000 and $50,000, 4% for deals between $50,000 and $250,000, and 5% for deals above $250,000.

How To Get Started

After reading this guide, you probably want to know where to go from here.

Think like a potential gold buyer. They’re going to start by Googling gold dealers. However, before they buy any gold, they need to do their research.

Your affiliate marketing blog can be their research. You can use SEO to your advantage by getting visibility for posts about relevant topics to gold buyers.

You should also consider starting an email list to send daily updates to your subscribers.
If you are a beginner to affiliate, however, we recommend you start with affiliate training. There are lots of excellent training out there, but if we had to choose one that's best for beginners, Super Affiliate System would be our top choice.

You can check out the free training from Super Affiliate System right here.

We hope this guide was helpful, now take action and set yourself up for massive commissions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work in 2021?

Affiliate marketing has never been more popular, effective, or profitable as it is today. Myself and millions of other affiliates are making a killing and you can too with the right offers and training.

Can You Make A Living Off Affiliate Marketing?

Nothing is stopping you from making a full time income for the foreseeable future. Your investment and focus will be a determining factor but you also need to promote the right offers. But the answer is absolutely. Myself and millions of others are making a full time income every year from being an affiliate.

What Are The Highest Paying Affiliate Programs?

Financial services are the highest paying currently. That's probably why you are here reading about gold. Because you want to make a ton of money!

How Much Do Beginner Affiliate Marketers Make?

It took me over a year to make $1,000 online. However many people make 4-5 figures per month within 1-6 months! The question isn't whether you can make money, it's how long it will take. That depends on your dedication, the training you take, and promoting the right offers.

Download My Free SEO "Traffic on Steroids" Guide

SEO is every changing it it pays to be one step ahead of the curve. I've made millions with affiliate using SEO and I want to show you how you can begin to make 4-5 figures per month, and eventually work your way up to the 6-7 figures.

5 Simple Steps to...

Drive Traffic Using SEO

About Me

I'm a full time affiliate marketer since 2013 and have made millions online promoting various products and services. From dating, to weight loss, and much more. Now I spend 90% of my time promoting financial services, specifically gold, other precious metals, and cryptocurrency.

John Otis
